Saturday, 5 January 2013

5 Thinking Points about Religion (Philosophy)

Try to take in the following points with an open mind; I am not trying to change people, I am just sharing some thinking points.

All I ask is that you think about what you believe in and why you believe in it.

  1. Why do people spend so long considering what happens after life when we so readily accept that nothing happened before it? If you believe in re-incarnation then think about justifying why your previous life is relevant to this one; and what difference it makes if you cannot remember it. It seems irrational to think that after your life will be so spectacular when before it, it was so peacefully unspectacular.
  2. Certain parts of Christianity believe that Animals do not have souls. If you believe that animals do not have souls you believe that they came to life in a different way than humans did. If you believed that Humans and animals evolved through Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection it would be illogical to say that at some point along the line animals lost their souls, or humans attained theirs. In order to continue believing animals don’t have souls you must disprove Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection.
  3. If I lived in an area of America which was strongly Christian, and I was bought up in a strongly Christian household, It would be likely that I would become a strong Christian myself. However, If I lived in a strongly Islamic part of India, and my parents were strongly Islamic, it would be likely that I would become Muslim. What difference does the geography of where we live on this world have on how correct our views are on the creation of our universe? Logically it has none whatsoever. So how can you tell if your religion is true compared to another if you have never truly questioned it yourself in comparison with other ideas?
  4. If there are other planets within our universe which harbour intelligent life, which I personally feel is almost certain considering the vast amount of planets in a universe, every single planet and population would need to be individually contacted by a messenger in one way or another from each religion. This could be through “dreams”, “visions” or a real person like Jesus. Though this is possible; somehow I highly doubt that this is going to happen. Logically it makes sense to assume that other intelligent life-forms will come up with their own separate religions to our own. When we do eventually find another planet with intelligent life and interact with them; if they do not believe in an extremely similar religion to one of the religions on earth it is safe to say that even the most avid members of religions should question why there deity hasn't contacted them.
  5. Personally I feel that a God who is perfect should save everyone no matter whether they believe in them or not. Believing in something isn't a judge of your character, of how well you life, or how much of a positive impact you have on the world around you; so why would a perfect God let good people face often torturous and horrific consequences? If I was a “Perfect” God I would let everyone in to “Heaven” and not judge them about what they did in life. If they led a bad life and had an evil mind on earth it wouldn't matter. “Heaven” is perfect so there would be no problems there. It seems to me that God isn't a very nice person at all if he does things like send good people to eternal damnation.

I do understand that this write up is directed more-so to Christianity than any other religion. This is not because I wanted it to be aimed at Christians, it was purely because I know more about Christianity than any other religion as we grow up in a Christian country.

Afterthoughts: It has come to my attention that point 2 was poorly worded. This has now been amended.

Rio De Janeiro Statue - Brazil

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